Tuesday, 3 May 2011

End of tour Concert and Awards

After enjoying our final Italian meal together at a nearby restaurant, we gathered in the Boardroom of the Albert Hotel to celebrate the end of the tour with a stunning concert, party and Award presentation.


An amazing collection of performances was prepared on the final days of the tour by the boys. The items included such gems as:

Salted peanuts
Foreign Affairs
Thank God you're here
When vendors go bad
O Mio Dio
Rav Sckerzo
Italian Feud

After the concert the following awards were presented

Lachlan Smith - Rainbow Warrior Award 
Dylan Glover  - Armani Award 
Paul Gordon- Kodak Award 
Gus Miles- Smith and Wesson Award 
Tim Keys- Rumoroso Award
Luis Alarcon- Casanova Award
Jamie Hawke - Gelato Appreciation Award 
Nat Smith - Eddie McGuire Award
Mark Woodfield - FIFA Ambassadors Award
Dom Gunning - Good Companion Award 
Ben Ackhurst - Nokia Award 
Nick Wood - Duracell Award 
Dom Thompson -  Economic Stimulus Award
Ben Hedditch - Ian Thorpe Award
Jacob - Rupert Murdoch Excellence in Publishing Award
Matt Clarke - Andrew Demetriou Award  
Matt Towicz -  The Lonely Planet Award 
Kieran Kirk- Firenze Merchants' Award 
Kieran Russell -  Purple Heart Award
Lachlan Lennox -Plato Award 
Pat White - Bill Gates Award 
Rylan Gibson- Bondi Icebergs Award
Marco D'Amico- BP Award 
Liam Glew- Shannon Ponton  Award 
Jonathon Leyton- Bob Marley Award 
Campbell Hall - Coca Cola  Award
Andrew Wood- Google research Award

The group flew out of Milan on Saturday April 30 at 2 pm and arrived at Marist 26.5 hours later at 12.30 am on Monday morning.

For the touring group, this was a trip of a lifetime and a taster for future travel adventures.

Arrivederci Italia 

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